Can someone please explain to me when is it that once payment has been completed the posting goes live and when is it queued as pending until approved by an admin?
My test site is not using the job packs, instead it uses the set price for the individual job posting. Also, I ask because I set up my sandbox account as 'Personal with In-Store Checkout Enabled' and the email to this sandbox account is the one input in jobroller paypal email, and I also have a business account. I proceed with checking out on the site and use the business account credentials to pay. The payment proceeds successfully and the listing goes live as supposed to without the intervention of the site admin. A success page with a url as comes up with a thank you[see attachment] and the posting is indeed live---I like and prefer this process btw. In my previous configurations(I think with business accounts as 'primary'), either with job packs or individual prices, the listing was queued as pending first. Can someone please explain this phenomenon?
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