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Thread: WordPress 3.1 - You Don't Have to Rush in to an Upgrade

  1. #1
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    Veteran eyecool's Avatar
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    WordPress 3.1 - You Don't Have to Rush in to an Upgrade

    Although many of WordPress 3.1 introduces some great, new features, it is NOT a security upgrade. There is no need to rush in to an upgrade.

    3.1 is a significant upgrade. Chances are you use plugins on your site. Give the developers time to upgrade and test their plugins with 3.1.

    When you do decide to upgrade, block off a chunk of time to do it. I'd suggest an hour at minimum. 2 hours to be comfortable.


    #1 You need to make the time to BACKUP EVERYTHING.

    Backup your Database.
    Backup your WordPress files
    Backup your wp-content folder and wp-config.php
    If you have a plugin that backs everything up simultaneously, use that too!

    There is no shame in multiple backups. For example, really backup your WP install (which includes the wp-content folder) AND you also backup your wp-content folder separately. If you need to "roll back", you have all your files in the full backup. If you want to do a fresh install and restore your previous content, all you need is wp-content and wp-config.php (assuming your database has not changed).

    #2 Once you upgrade, you need to spend some time clicking through your entire site (as admin, as a registered user and as a non-registered user). Make sure the site is running smooth across all user types.

    Chances are you only browse your site while logged in as admin. Although pre-upgrade would be the best time to click through your site (as admin, registered and non registered user), some will do this only post upgrade. Many won't take the time to do it at all (that is, typical WordPress users, not JobRoller Super Users )

    But, if you find a problem after upgrading (without having pre-tested before upgrading), how will you know if your problem was caused by the upgrade (and how to fix it) or if it existed before the upgrade (and now compounded by the upgrade, and potentially a more difficult fix)

    #3 After you've upgraded and made sure everything is working as expected, you should take some time to explore the new features. BUT don't test the new features on your production site. Put up a test site on your server, or on your computer. Learn and have fun there! Not on your "live" site, at the expense of your visitors.

    Links to notable resources you can use:
    Updating WordPress « WordPress Codex
    Upgrading WordPress Extended « WordPress Codex
    Installing/Updating WordPress with Subversion « WordPress Codex

    Upgrading is FUN. Upgrading is COOL. Just remember these 3 simple RULES!
    1. BACKUP
    2. TEST
    3. LEARN

    If Pages Return A 404 After WordPress 3.1 Upgrade |
    Last edited by eyecool; February 23rd, 2011 at 09:50 PM.

    Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. - Albert Einstein

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    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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    Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. - Albert Einstein

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