Addresses are being replaced by "standardized addresses" causing loss of information
QUESTION 1: I am having problems to save addresses in Vantage. After saving my listing, its field "address" is being replaced by a kind of "standardized address", with some loss of information (house/building number for example), although the original address entered by the user (I call "internal address") is still there.
The problem occurs when I save the listing again, because at this time, the "internal address" is replaced by the "standardized address", causing permanent loss of information.
Is this a bug or something that needs urgent correction?
I am losing my addresses.
Anyone can try it with an example, from my country, Brazil: Create a listing, put this complete address "Rua B, Quadra M, Lote 30, Parque Esplanada I, Valparaíso de Goiás, GO, 72878-630, Brasil", and then, save the listing. The field address will be replaced by "Rua B - Parque Esplanada I, Valparaíso de Goiás - GO, 72878-630, Brasil". If you save the listing again, you lost your original address.
QUESTION 2: What is the best way to insert a complete address?
1) Separated by commas?
Address 1 (Street), Address 2 (Number, Floor, Block, Quadrant or Sector), Neighborhood, City, State, Postal/Zip Code, Country
1) Separated by dashes?
Address 1 (Street) - Address 2 (Number, Floor, Block, Quadrant or Sector) - Neighborhood - City - State - Postal/Zip Code - Country
QUESTION 3: A search in the field "NEAR" for Neighborhoods is not working.
In Vantage 1.1.4, I "SOLVED" this by removing the line 129 in "/vantage/framework/includes/geo.php".
// 'sensor' => 'false', // (-)
I Vantage 1.2, (NOT RECOMMENDED) I removed the line 55 in "/vantage/includes/geo/geocoders/google-geocoder.php", the search worked, BUT THE MAP STOPPED TO WORK PROPERLY.
// 'sensor' => 'false', // (-)
I have no idea what this parameter means, I am looking for a solution that works. My listings are all updated, not expired and ok.