All listings expired at the same time
Hi there,
Running the legacy Vantage with no issues for years. This week. all live listings have expired themselves (regardless of expiry date - listings were set to not expire unless manually cancelled). After clicking "Quick Edit" then resaving each listing they became live and visible again. However, 6 days later they all expired themselves again.
It's Vantage Version: 3.0.9
Wordpress 6.3
Is there any known reason why this could be happening? Is there a 'global listing expiry' setting somewhere that I've missed?
Something to do with cron?
My web host insists it is nothing they have changed at their end even though they have made some behind the scenes changes to the hosting package settings in the past 2 weeks, they are certain this would have no impact that caused this issue to occur.
Could you let me know how to override whatever the "expiry" setting is that causes this, so that the listings don't all just expire again in a few days time after re-publishing?
Thanks for your help.