BUG in trash cleanup custom fields
For the developers:
Since eyou dont have a bug reporting software, I post this here.
I believe I have discovered a bug in the trash cleanup of custom forms/fields. Deleting a custom form do not delete the appropriate records in wp_postmeta and wp_posts. It leaves them with a post_status of 'trash', but there's no way in admin backend to delete them, thus leaving the records as orphans. Correct, or?
To verify this, delete all trash listings then make a custom form, then delete it. Go phpMyadmin and run this SQL:
SELECT b.post_title, b.post_status, a.meta_key, a.meta_value FROM apt_postmeta a, apt_posts b WHERE a.post_id = b.id and b.post_status = 'trash'
You'll see several records belonging to the deleted custom form....