Claim Listing Not showing up in pending listings or in dashboard.
Okey I am sending a bunch of screenshots so you can see whats going on.
2 things
Claim A Listing
#1. Claiming a listing. after you pass the checkout page (you payed 0.00) it takes you back to your listing with "NO" box letting you know this listing is awaiting moderation??? Just leave you hanging not knowing what is going on and or what to do after you land on that page?? the customer does not know how this system works and doesn't know what to do from here. it need to tell you (This listing is currently pending and must be approved by an administrator)
#2. In the customers dashboard it says there is no pending listings?
#3. In my
WP backend there is nothing in the pending folder or at the top of the page letting me know that I need to moderate a
claimed listing???
#4. After you find and moderate the claimed listing the client gets a email that should have a link for them to get to their dashboard and make any edits like photos and more. It just gives you a link to the listing you made.
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New Listing
#1. setting up a new listing, after you pass the checkout page (you payed 0.00) it takes you back to your listing page where it let you know what is going on. This is what you should see after you claim a listing? (This listing is currently pending and must be approved by an administrator)
#2. new listing shows you that you have a pending listing.
#3.After you find and moderate the new listing the client gets a email that should have a link for them to get to their dashboard and make any edits like photos and more. It just gives you a link to the listing you made.
This is BS I should be getting payed to do this work. I payed $150 for software that I am beta testing for you. This does not make a hole lot of sense.

"Just Ranting Sorry"
Please let me know about this thank you for all your time.
Joey B