Confusing Differences Between Classifpress and Vantage
I am wondering if I am the only one that is confused with Vantage. Classipress took me a year to learn that . I assumed vantage would be similar. Vantage was supposed to be the best of the best, but it appears to be a watered down version.
My issues are as follows:
1) In CP you can edit the listing via dashboard and change the person who started the listing. In Vantage it appears everything redirects to the frontend dashboard.
2) Login screen for CP is great. Login for Vantage is through wordpress
I guess what is strange is we have so much in the dashboard on classipress and got spoiled now it appears we are being locked out of our own site and have only access to
the frontend dashboard as a subscriber would have. Not very fond of not being able to edit the listing's date, user etc in Vantage.
When you wait a year for something to come out and it doesn't have as many features as the original you feel like it was a waste of time when you know it's going to take another year to get anything else.
Maybe it's just me and I have not figured out how it works. Hopefully that is the case.