Contact listing/event owner - Bugs and improvements
I'd like to express a couple of errors and improvements that can be resolved in the contat listing/event owner form:
Mobile: The contact owner form on mobile and small screens is totally squashed as you can see here:
That's a 4'' display...think of it on a smaller screen! It'll be very hard for users to write an email on that form.
Email sender: When the listing owner receives the email, the sender will be: "". I love Wordpress but it I think this is a bit unprofessional. It should be "" or there should be an option to choose the email to show.
Email Reply-to: The listing/event owner received the email and wants to answer. The reply-to email is set to "" while it should be the sender email.
Confirmation message: There should be a confirmation message telling the email sender: "Thank you, your e-mail was sent!".
Captcha: There should be some sort of verification code, captcha or compatibility with captcha plugins to protect listing/events owners from spam.
That's all, if anyone has anything else to add you're very welcome to post it here and hopefully AppTheme developers will fix these issues very soon.