Import .csv help::;
I have a problem
does not accept my .csv file does not load
I do not understand why not even accept the sample.csv file
"Title", "description", "author", "date", "slug", "status", "id", "address", "phone", "Facebook", "Twitter", "google-plus" "website", "email", "listing_category", "listing_tag", "lat", "lng", "listing_duration
"AppThemes", "AppThemes is a fast growing company employs That talent from all around the world. Our diverse team Consists of highly skilled WordPress developers, designers, and enthusiasts who come together to make awesome premium themes available in over two dozen different languages. "," admin "," 2012-04-27 00:48:56 "," appthemes "," publish "," 6534f940d81c5f8e "," 548 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA "," 415-287- 3474 "," appthemes "," appthemes "," 108097040296611426034 "," "," "," software "," themes, wordpress "," 37.789903 "," - 122.400785,30 "...... ......
*when I try to add it
*does not create any element
*but if I do so
“title","description","author","date","slug","stat us","id","address","phone","facebook","twitter","g oogle-plus","website","email","listing_category","listin g_tag","lat","lng","listing_duration
“Ristorante”,”Pizzeria Ticino”,”restaurant”,””,””,"","",”Via Indipendenza 27 6883 Novazzan”,”091 683 97 95”,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,”45.8409922”,”8.9826358”, ””
I get this error
Warning: array_combine (): Both parameters Should Have an equal number of elements in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ \
wp-content \ themes \ vantage \ framework \ admin \ importer.php on line 197
Howdy! Upload a CSV file containing your data and we'll import it into this site. The file must be in the correct format for the import to work.
I tried everything
I do not know where I'm wrong
I need a detailed guide or tutorial? help me please