PayPal Recurring Payments - Not updating in admin
I didn't get any love in the community forum so I will try here.
Orders are going through first time fine, I receive the payment, a listing is created and is ready for moderation. I approve the payment and publish the listing, an expiry date for the next payment is set, the current order is activated and a new pending order is created for the next due date.
When it hits the due date I receive payment from PayPal, but the website doesn't update. I have to manually do that part of the process.
I have the IPN setup correct, using only 1 website, so it's not a multi site IPN PayPal issue.
I've installed a plugin called Crontrol to manually fire off the cron jobs, doesn't make a difference.
What exactly do I get for 12 months support? Because at the moment I can't even get a response on the forum. Sorry to be moany, but it's frustrating when you pay for a commercial theme/plugin and it doesn't function as advertised. Maybe it does work and maybe I've just done something wrong, but without some feedback or maybe a member of staff taking a peak at my website I will never know.