Vantage 1.3.1 Listings and Blog Category collision
Vantage listing categories seem to be managed separately from normal blog categories. Which is good so far. But when using the same category name in both structures (in my case "Krankheitsbilder"), I am facing issues with name collision.
When trying to rename the BLOG category named "Krankheitsbilder" to e.g. "Test", the LISTING category of the same name is renamed to and vice versa. is that by intension or is it a bug?
Secondly, the same collision thing is causing menu trouble, parts of my menu are misplaced. I have set up two menu entries with children:
1. Infocenter (which links to the blog page)
--- News (which is a normal WordPress blog category)
--- Berufsgruppen (blog cateogory)
--- Krankheitsbilder (blog category)
--- Interviews (blog category)
--- Rezepte
2. Kategorien (which is the main Vantage categories page)
--- (children are derived from listings categoires hierarchy)
When I expand the first menu entry, it shows 3 children up to "Krankheitsbilder", and below shows the entire second compound menu, which should only show when expanding the second menu entry. See screenshots!
Is there a quick fix I can use to work around?
When will a bugfix be available?
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