Inaccuracy search/results on theme Vantage 4
My user was located at "285 Alvarado St, Brisbane, CA 94005, EUA" (South of San Francisco, CA, USA) and he was searching for the nearests businesses in "San Francisco, CA, USA".
So, he wrote "San Francisco, CA, USA" at the "Near" field and refined the results choosing 1 mile, and then, pushed the button "Update".
The result showed only one business (
Click Here):
Business: The Alise
Address: 580 Geary St, San Francisco, CA 94102
But, when the user verified at Google Maps App, it was approximately 9 miles far from the business (
Click Here).
So, he is complaining about the search, that it is confusing him, since it does not consider the user's position (his position).
When I checked the information, I attested that he is totally right.
1st) How can it be improved/fixed in order to allow trustfully results?
2nd) What position does "Near" field consider per city to be the center of each city search?
3rd) Why not allowing users to inform a address instead of only cities? Vantage is showing a alert message saying: "Autocomplete's returned place contains no geometry".