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Thread: Widget error.

  1. #1
    Thread Starter
    scrumb's Avatar
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    May 2013
    Ozark, AL
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Widget error.

    I get this error for every time I try to open the widgets under the appearance section in the admin ment?

    I checked for updates and reinstalled the Vantage theme. Any ideas?

    HTML Code:
    TThe "va_widget_listing_refine_search" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "va_widget_listing_author_stats" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "recent-comments" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "recent-posts" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "meta" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "text" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "va_widget_callout_box" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "va_widget_listing_author" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "va_widget_listing_map" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "va_widget_callout_box" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "va_widget_post_latest" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "meta" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "va_widget_listing_latest" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "va_widget_listing_content" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "va_widget_listing_reveal_gallery" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "va_widget_listing_custom_fields" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "va_widget_listing_featured" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "rss" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "va_widget_listing_comments" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "recent-posts" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The "search" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.

  2. #2
    Thread Starter
    scrumb's Avatar
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    Ozark, AL
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    You must be an AppThemes customer and logged in to view this response. Join today!

  3. #3
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    You must be an AppThemes customer and logged in to view this response. Join today!
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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