shorty shortcode bug events
follow up from that thread
so here is what i have now, but it is showing events in the order it has been submitted and not by date of the event,
[va_shc post_type="event" taxonomy="event_category" terms_operator="IN" meta_type="NUMERIC" hide_map="1" template_name="event-template-shorty-listing-fred" posts_per_page="5" order="ASC"]
now how i can i sort events by dates of the events and not the date that it has been submitted?
also if i set it that way, it will show only 1 event in 2015
[va_shc post_type="event" taxonomy="event_category" terms_operator="IN" meta_type="NUMERIC" hide_map="1" template_name="event-template-shorty-listing-fred" posts_per_page="5" meta_key="_va_event_date" meta_compare="=" meta_value="2015" meta_type="NUMERIC"]
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