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After a lot of messing about in scrapping a Vantage4 project and converting it to Classipress, we've now been online for around one day -
Feedback and criticisms most welcome!
Hi, me again,
I love that you can pay $2 for 30 days. But its unclear as the bill comes to $30. Also there is no payment gateway or account listed to pay into.
How else are you monetising the site? Adwords?
I think About Us should be on the Bottom Footer or Top Footer . Contact Us on bottom footer - the form sticks out at you too much.
I love your "Latest News" Section where you tell your customers what's going on - that's brilliant!
I'm not one for Tags in different fonts - I prefere to read font all in the same size. Just me though!
The google map should be in a link under a tab saying "find us her" or simply "location".
I can see why you moved the follow us on symbols in the bottom footer section to the middle; because of the up arrow on the right - but it doesn't really work. Relocate these to the top left corner in the header.
I find the blue writing on black background hard to read and harsh.
I am no website designer or have any background in making websites, but as a user - those are the things I would tend to in order to make it more free flowing.
I hope you have found this helpful.
You might totally disagree with all of this, but that's just the way I see it.
Kind Regards,