messed up - means chaos...
when a visitor comes to your website - he/she should immediately understand what is where..
sorry, but the website is like your header - you have many elements and they don't have a set place. I would start with drawing clear lines among all the blocks.
Have you seen the Inpage Analytics (in Google Analytics) of your website? .. if no - check it and build your site that will be easy to navigate and that will not have wasted space in top part of your landing page
sample of Inpage Analytics of my site:
I would like ask, what is your bounce rate? I suppose it is quite bad - do your best to improve it - that is one of the most important factors that shows do you visitors like your site or leave immediately.
Colours.. keep 3 colours max! Indian flag has got 3 colours - stop on this number and keep them. (the same applies to footer).
--> remove this blue colour:
After that - start working on Indian language version of the same website.
all the best to you
