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Thread: I don't like that you are moving in the direction of catering to the beginners

  1. #1
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    luke84's Avatar
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    I don't like that you are moving in the direction of catering to the beginners

    Hi AppThemes Staff and forum members,

    Firstly, I like the themes.

    Secondly, I want to know what the forum members and appthemes staff think of what I'm about to say next.

    I don't like that you are moving in the direction of catering to the beginners of the web. If every joe, dick and harry can create one of these sites then the themes will become worthless. Real web designers and programmers have worked hard to learn the skill-set to polish these themes into something very special. You guys catering to the beginners also in some cases makes it more difficult for us to build.

    Thanks for reading and let me know your thoughts,


  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    This is the theme Showcase and Feedback section and so will move this thread to the Wordpress discussion section.
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. #3
    Marketplace Seller mohsinoffline's Avatar
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    Hi Luke,

    You have interesting views, but they are myopic and misdirected in my opinion. Real web designers and programmers have worked hard to learn the skill-set they have, but use their skills to create solutions for the not-so-capable to use, and AppThemes guys fit your definition of the former.

    Having said that, if you really look around the forum, you will find that AppThemes products are hardly a complete package and their themes lack a lot of important functionality, normal users don't have answers to the challenges of adding such functionality on their own, and are generally struggling to create even child themes, which is essential to use regularly updated themes from AppThemes. This is where other developers like you and me can help them. If you can create special things, go ahead and may be you will own the next AppThemes. Developers don't work for each other, they work for people who cannot build websites on their own. If you are good enough, you would not find opportunities hard to come by.

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  4. #4
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    Well put Mohsin.

    That's true that the AppThemes products are not the complete package. Would you then say that AppThemes help web designers and programmers by giving them more opportunities?



  5. #5
    Member pablocustodio's Avatar
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    But it's people like Mohsin that doesn't have good client and ethical work relations, that keeps people like us from hiring capable people to make these changes for us! So, rather than hire someone that knows Appthemes and can code for us in these forums, we look outside this forum. It's a shame that one person can hurt job opportunities for other developers in these forums.

  6. #6
    Marketplace Seller mohsinoffline's Avatar
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    It's not only AppThemes but all other major development houses like WooThemes, Elegant Themes actually help other developers in a way. The more popular a theme is, the more customization jobs become available and jobs related to AppThemes are not limited to this forum as there are many individuals who prefer to post jobs on freelancing websites. Go ahead and signup on sites like Elance and oDesk in addition to sourcing work on forums.
    Do you need content that helps to rank your website better on Google? Check out

    Create a website like Retailmenot with FlatterPro Theme , Check out the demo here Retailmenot

  7. #7
    Veteran bleem's Avatar
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    Hi Luke,

    I am one of the Joe, Dick and Harry's that you so kindly talk about.

    Would it be possible to see some examples of your work as it is very likely that I will need a developer to do the things I'm incapable of doing and then could make an informed decision as to whether or not your capabilities fit my requirements?

  8. #8
    domino1957's Avatar
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    As a movie buff, I must point out that you have confounded the average Joe with every Tom, Dick and Harry that were the code names of the 3 tunnels in The Great Escape.

    More on topic, I do not believe that Appthemes cost developers their business, because frankly, the average Joe cannot write code, no matter how much support they get. At least, not in a cost effective way. That's just my 2 cents.
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