bleem, thanks a lot for your nicest words!
Sorry, this is a custom project for a client (not for massive sales)... if you like something similar we can talk about your project needs

About the image mouse over: have you try original ClassiPress? I'm afraid this is not an issue with my childthemes but a normal behaviour from the ClassiPress parent theme... and yes, quite sure I can fix this the way you exactly need.
Best regards!

Originally Posted by
Very Sweet. I like this for a project I have in mind. Is it for sale?
Also I have noticed on a lot of your themes on the image mouse over. If you are viewing on a standard sized laptop 16/17'' screen the floating image displays too low when mouse hovering.
The image follows the mouse/hand pointer directly to the top left of the mouse over image. Is it possible to have floating image move up slightly so that the mouse pointer/hand is left middle of the floating image??
Other than that its very cool