School Ads Website In Development based on Classipress [Showcase]
Here is a site that I developed using classipress. I was a total noob at classipress starting off and spent a lot of time in the forums to code and get advice on how to do and change certain things to get it working. I still am a noob, but managed to do a couple of things I am happy with and would like to share. The site goes live soon. Here it is in development:
Some of the tweaks:
A bunch of CSS
Custom Registration Form Fields
User Meta Updates at Registration
Automatic Tagging of Ads by Title and also by affiliated group (Found a plugin that worked for the Title and tweaked it to work for other user data. This helps with the autocomplete feature which seems to pull in tags to work)
Search Bar on every Page almost
Widgetized the Menus for Header and Footer
Custom Ad Loop and Page Template for the "Bulletin Board"
And a couple of other tweaks.
Most of it was done by hard coding the classipress files, some using a child theme mostly for css, but i did not have as much experience with child themes to try put everything there instead of hard coding. i made a long list of files I changed in case I ever need to update the site.
Any feedback would be appreciated and advice on child themeing classipress.
If have ever posted solutions and tips in the forums, thank you. you probably helped in some way or another.