Thanks for the link.
I have tried to change the .css but cannot figure it out.
My original code for the full width page is.
Can you help with this please?
Thanks again
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the guy was an amateaur (like myself i guess) lol I find it easier to explain tables than aware tables are as extinct as dinasaur shi* however it was a quick solution considering. maybes im wrong.
Ive just come across this thread, i totally agree, unmodified themes are not showcases but more of a list of people who are using it.. this is my humble opion mind you!...
people shoudl think past the theme and use it as a template base for modding.
Agree on this... a lot of people are using the forum showcase section for almost-none-changed AppThemes themes...
Maybe there is a possibility to create a LIST of users/websites section instead of just the showcase section
r u b e n c i o . c o m
Since 2010 providing AppThemes solutions,
Plugins and the best childthemes...
yea, I also don't really get it, if I show my site in the showcase category, it is because I changed the theme (alot) not because I got many ads, or something like that..