[HELP] Yourself!
As the title says, this thread is contains of some useful tips and tricks to help you "help yourself".
Hopefully it will save you a lot of time waiting around in the forum for someone else to answer your questions and fix any issues you come across. You will also learn a thing or two in the process
We all often come across things from time to time that either, don't work or just stop working for no apparent reason. Very annoying!
Here is a useful link to help you debug:
The 10 Most Annoying Things About Using WordPress (and How to Make Them Go Away)
Debug Log
This is a really useful tip, I use it all the time
Using any plain text editor program - Notepad will suffice, create an empty file and name it
"debug.log". Using FTP place this file inside your
wp-content folder.
Again, using FTP locate your
wp-config.php file.
Near the bottom of that file copy and paste the following code just
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
// Enable Debug logging to the /wp-content/debug.log file
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
// Disable display of errors and warnings
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
// Use dev versions of core JS and CSS files (only needed if you are modifying these core files)
define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true );
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
Now whenever something is not working as it should, the errors will be captured in the debug.log file. Copy the error(s) and then use Google to find a solution.
Setting Up Classipress
Useful links:
Word Change AND Locating Code
Changing words or phrases in your theme can be done with ease using the theme's .pot file and PoEdit. This is advised over altering core files. For more information, see this thread here:
How to change words in the theme
If the word/wording you are trying to change/locate is not in the .pot file, then you can use a search and find programme to locate the word or phrase from within files and folders. This applies to locating code too!
I use BBEdit on my Mac (not free). You could use Text Wrangler, Atom or
PC users can use a free programme called
Agent Ransack
Style Change
I often get asked how to change the background, text links or button colors. This is where you can most definitely help yourself using your browsers developer tools or my own preference, the Firebug addon for Firefox or Chromes built in Developers Tools.
This handy tool will help you "inspect" your website, tell you which file to look in and on what line number. If you have never used firebug you will find the following links useful:
In depth tutorial here:
There are plenty of other tutorials too. I am sure if you Google it, you might find others.
UPDATE: AppThemes devs have now "fixed" the buttons, background, text link colors by moving the styles to the Appearance->Customizer
Teach yourself new tricks. It's never too late to learn, unless of course you don't want to
Here's an example using chrome tools to inspect the page.
Let's say I want to remove or change the style of the date in the ad loop:
Here I can see that the css style for the date is on line
702 in the
style.css file.
If I wanted to find the actual code, I would search for
<span class"clock">
Simples, so now you can help yourself and I won't have to charge you for my valuable time
That's all for now, I hope you find it useful.
Last edited by talent; July 21st, 2017 at 07:30 AM.
$function ('CUSTOMIZATION'); } else { .DESIGN { display: awesome; }
If you require any additional functionality or design customization, just ask. Afterall... anything is possible! However, I may not know how to implement your particular request, but if you don't ask, you don't get
If you build it, they will come...