A few Ideas for the next update to your theme.
Just a few thoughts/ideas for inclusion in the next updates maybe?
1 - To reverse the slider arrows - left arrow on right side - right arrow on left side
This would then correspond with the slider direction when the arrows are pressed.
2 - A site owner contact widget like the one on your demo site on the front page which displays in your example (Suggestions Welcome
If you have any suggestions which may help us improve this or any part of xxxx, then simply fill in the form below and let us know your thoughts.)
3 - A slight gutter between the ads that show on the front page.
4 - Front Page - A welcome/about us tab like the Jibo theme demo. (This would negate the need for a separate landing page providing we could hide the other tabs for non registered/not logged in users - Maybe an option panel within the theme so users could create a page then add their relevant content and assign it to this tab?)
5 - Front Page - Another tab in place of the random tab with links to custom field info like cp_region data.
(This would/could act like an ad region navigation page - Users click this tab and a list of the sites user regions then shows on this page, as hyperlinks but with the region name, etc. Every time a new user registers/posts an ad they should in theory (if the site admin has this option available within the ad-new form) input their region into the form field. This cp_region data could be used to populate this new tab content to be used like a regional ad listing navigation method.
That's it for now