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Thread: Would this be something you could build?

  1. #1
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    Veteran bleem's Avatar
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    Would this be something you could build?

    Hi Sarah,

    I bought your theme because I love the simple yet stylish design. At some point I am wanting to use vantage and would like to share the same styles across both platforms - albeit with a colour change of course.

    Is this something you have in mind at some point?

    Simply-responsive for Vantage, Job-roller etc.

    I for one would buy without hesitation. Even if it was just a styling change to fit with simply-responsive classipress.



  2. #2
    talent's Avatar
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    $function ('CUSTOMIZATION'); } else { .DESIGN { display: awesome; }
    If you require any additional functionality or design customization, just ask. Afterall... anything is possible! However, I may not know how to implement your particular request, but if you don't ask, you don't get

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