Review snippets errors from Google search console
Our website ( received 4 errors from Google search console. There are:
1. Invalid object type for field “itemReviewed”
2. Missing reviewed item name
3. Rating value is out of range
4. Value in property “reviewCount” must be positive
1 and 2 seems to me serious issues. Error message from Google structure data testing tool:
– The review does not have a reviewed item with a name specified.
– Service is not a known valid target type for the itemReviewed property.
Perhaps, we can solve 3 and 4 by givng 1 rating manually. But this is not good way to solve an issue. Can you please find a better automatic solution?
Please note that we are using latest starstruck version 2.5.1.
Please solve the issues as early as possible.
Many thanks in advance.