Home Button
Dear all,
i have just installed the twinpress themes (vantage + classicpress) and i love it.
It´s pretty smart to jump from one theme to the other, but i was wondering if it would be possible to get a "Home" button in that top menü
The idea is, that if the user comes to my page, he is landing on the start page (Home)
There is a little bit content, which explains the site and two picutres.. one for vantage theme and the other for classicpress theme.
He can klick one of the picutres and he "jumps" to that side (or he can choose one in the top menu)
ww.mypage.de/classipress or ww.mypage.de/vantage
Is it possible to add this "home" button also in the top menü .. see the picutre