Adding a widget title to the sidebar admin links (child theme)
I've been using this tutorial to add the admin bar links in the sidebar of Vantage.
Everything workds fine, but there is no widget title. How can I add the tile "Administration" in this code with the good CSS class which is #sidebar .section-head h3 (I guess) :
echo $before_widget;
$li = '';
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
$li .= html( 'li', html_link( va_child_get_user_dashboard_url(), __( 'Dashboard', APP_TD ) ) );
$li .= html( 'li', html_link( appthemes_get_edit_profile_url(), __( 'Edit Profile', APP_TD ) ) );
$li .= html( 'li', html_link( wp_logout_url( home_url() ), __( 'Logout', APP_TD ) ) );
} else {
$li .= html( 'li', html_link( wp_login_url(), __( 'Login', APP_TD ) ) );
$li .= html( 'li', html_link( appthemes_get_password_recovery_url(), __( 'Lost Password?', APP_TD ) ) );
if ( get_option( 'users_can_register' ) ) {
$li .= html( 'li', html_link( appthemes_get_registration_url(), __( 'Register', APP_TD ) ) );
echo html( 'ul', $li );