Creating custom widget sidebarin vantage for a normal page
Hi there, I have a contact page in vantage which is just a standard page template with a sidebar, I would like to place address and a few other simple contact details then in the sidebar area. Of course if I do this on the contact page, it then shows up in the sidebar of other standard pages like the About page and so on. So like woosidebars in woodojo plugin is there any plugin that can create custom sidebars for this theme? To be honest it would seem pretty standard practice these days with themes and having a custom sidebar functionality is key - I am just assuming the future most users would love to see custom sidebars per category of the listings section - of obvious enough reasons like advertising. If the category is cars - you want to show off car ads on the sidebar - if the category is toys - you want to show off the toy advertisments in the sidebar so this is key really in the long run.
Anyways is there any plugin that is compatible with this theme, I tried woodojo and a few others with no luck. I am hoping to avoid heavy customization. I see tutorials here: and also here: but do these allow a user have a different sidebar for say a standard contact page and say a standard about page or is it just based on the page template?
Any help much appreciated as this is absolutely key for my site and I assume others too.
Thanks in advance.