Header Search "Categories" dropdown and "Near" dropdown
Good again. First, to wish everyone a happy holiday.
I wonder if you can put the Near categories and the format "dropdown" I explain as I would:
1. Categories: First choose the parent category, and re-open a tab for subcategories (the client if you want to choose the subcategory or leave it blank).
2. Near: Select the country first and then a second tab with "the whole country" or the specific city (I wish I could put towns and countries, and that it was not predetermined by the ads, because in
Spain put ads in your city with accents without accents).
I would like to do in my web: rastreadordemascotas.com or leave it to the web "milanuncios.com".
I would like to know the code and a brief explanation of where you should insert.
I will put images in order of how it should appear the search box:
1. All listings from across the web.
Buscador Todas categorias-espaņa.jpg
2. Shows all parent categories.
Buscador Todas categorias-espaņa 2.jpg
3. Shows the subcategories.
Buscador categoria especifica espaņa 1.jpg
4. Here show to choose country and a fifth image would itself correspond to it, to choose the city in country.
Buscador categoria especifica ciudades.jpg
Forgive me for writing too, but I think for my website, this search engine is the only way to be 100% practical and functional. THANKS