How to edit comments/ratings author in Vantage
I accidentally deleted a user with many ratings comments. I went back and added the user with the exact account details and re-allocated the user account to each of the ratings that they created, however I am not getting the result that I expected. The author's avatar is not reappearing in the rating and the website url that is associated with the user and shown on the rating has been replaced with a url path of my website's url with this extension - /dashboard/reviews/tracey (tracey being me, the site admin). How can I reactive these reviews with the original user details? I thought about recreating each review but the consequence is each "recreated" review will all be stamped with the current date. If there's no way to revert the rating/comment to original, is there a way to edit the date of the new listing to reflect the date it was originally created? ***Also, is there a way to edit the "member since" date of the user account that I accidentally deleted so that this 14 month user isn't perceived as a brand new user by the new date? Thanks!