How Much to Charge for Listings
I have never really sold anything online before, but I am determined to offer a paid business directory on my website.
I found the
setting up pricing page here on AppThemes, and they seem to use
$4 a month and
$5 a month as examples. Is this a really common and good amount to start with for a new directory that has very few entries?
I know some businesses could afford way more than that, while other work-from-home businesses may not. I am afraid to go too low for some or too high for others, and without knowing what's coming ahead in updates from AppThemes as far as "pricing plan" options/features, I don't even begin to know how to come up with the right pricing plan(s).
I would love to have a free listing plan with few features, and then a paid plan with more (say with photos and a link and the overview page etc). But this doesn't seem to be offered for some reason.
Is there anyone who can point me to a few websites, or places I can educate myself how to come up with appropriate pricing that I should charge? Also can can anyone offer up their "psychology" at how they came up with their amounts they decided to charge?