Images Sizes
I can't get Vantage to display images at 1024 x768 even though my WordPress settings are set to this. Can anyone point me to the file where I can override what Vantage is doing
I found out a few things that maybe useful to others with the way that Vantage is uploading
Obviously if the user hasn't resized then they just select and upload and Vantage was saving 4 images
1 = original size
2 = 1024 x 768
3 = 230 x 230
4 = 50 x 50
I installed this plugin
WordPress Image Compressor
and now it is set to reduce images to 75% quality and max 1024 x 768 so now only three are stored because the original is 1024 x768 file sizes have dropped considerably to
So less storage used and smaller files to deliver which speeds page delivery
Hope this helps and I hope someone can point me to the file that will sort the maximum image size displayed from 600 to 1024