Implementing simple payment gateway cloning Bank Transfer.
I posted this question yesterday in the wrong place, so here it is again, hoping some charitable soul may help me.
I'm implementing a payment gateway of my own because because PayPal is not enough and bank transfer is impractical from the user perspective (we all are a little lazy, sometimes).
So, I got information from this payment service providers:
PayU Latam and
DineroMail, here in Latin America. They provide completed tutorials about how to implement an HTML "Action Button" inside e-commerce websites such that, when clicked by the buyer, redirects him/her to its payments portal for the buyer to input credit card data or to generate a coupon to be paid in convenient stores. Other alternative they offer is that one when buyer clicks this "Action Button", an email with a link to the payment service portal is sent to the buyer's inbox, then he/she clicks on it and browser launches with payments portal page ready for the buyer to input payment data.
1-. I need to include "Pay with PayU Latam" option in gateways dropdown list, along with Bank Transfer and PayPal.
2-. I need to have an email sent to buyer
after he/she agrees to purchase plan and selects "Pay with PayU Latam" from gateways dropdown list.
3-. I need to have a final page that explains the payment process to the buyer: "Thanks for you purchase! You'll receive an email with a link to pay in PayU, blah blah, blah."
I think I should:
1-. modify some php file where gateways dropdown list is created so that I can include "Pay with PayU Latam" option.
2-. modify some php file where emails are defined to create and include new email with link to PayU. Or, better, modify existing email so that it is sent right after buyer agrees to pay.
3-. clone Vantage Bank Transfer page so that I can use it as final page with thanks and payment instruction to buyer.
Is this approach OK?
Which php files should I work with?
I'll appreciate all your comments and help.