Paypal Recurring Payments
I currently just switched a file to 'create' a recurring payment plan which it creates with paypal and returns to my site and completes transaction, so the account is active. I have it set to 1 day periods. My problem is when the next day comes to pay, the paypal side does its job, but it doesnt update the plan expiry date to the next day. The files i am tinkering with are vantage/includes/payments/gateway/paypal/paypal.php and vantage/includes/payments/gateway/paypal/paypal-form.php. My question: is vantage only setup for pdt cause this function:
public function process( $order, $options ) {
if( !empty( $options['pdt_enabled'] ) ){
if( APP_Paypal_PDT::can_be_handled() ){
$transaction = APP_Paypal_PDT::get_transaction( $_GET['tx'], $options['pdt_key'], !empty( $options['sandbox_enabled'] ) );
if( $transaction )
$this->bridge->handle_response( $transaction, $order->get_id() );
$this->fail_order( __( 'PayPal has responded to your transaction as invalid. Please contact site owner.', APP_TD ) );
$this->create_form( $order, $options );
// Otherwise, validate regularly
if( $this->is_returning() )
$this->create_form( $order, $options );
only looks to be looking for pdt, not ipn. There is a lot to piece together. Are the APPTHEMES team close to getting this complete or 6months, 1 year? It would be nice to know before i start looking into this myself. Thanks