php in widget
trying to add the user dashboard widget php in widget text box
not working
any idea why?
<aside id="dashboard-side-nav">
<div class="avatar">
<?php if ( $is_own_dashboard ) {
echo html_link( va_dashboard_url( 'listings', $dashboard_user->ID, true ), get_avatar( $dashboard_user->ID, 45 ) );
} else {
echo html_link( va_dashboard_url( 'listings', $dashboard_user->ID ), get_avatar( $dashboard_user->ID, 45 ) );
<div class="user_meta">
<p><?php $is_own_dashboard ? _e( 'Welcome, ' , APP_TD ) : ''; ?><b><?php echo $dashboard_user->display_name; ?></b></p>
<p class="smaller"><?php _e( 'Member Since: ', APP_TD ); ?><?php echo mysql2date( get_option('date_format'), $dashboard_user->user_registered ); ?></p>
<ul class="links">
<?php echo html('li', array('class'=>'faves'), html_link( va_dashboard_url( 'favorites', $dashboard_user->ID, $is_own_dashboard ), __( 'Favorite Listings', APP_TD ) ) ); ?>
<?php echo html('li', array('class'=>'reviews'), html_link( va_dashboard_url( 'reviews', $dashboard_user->ID, $is_own_dashboard ), __( 'View Reviews', APP_TD ) ) ); ?>
<?php echo html('li', array('class'=>'view-listings'), html_link( va_dashboard_url( 'listings', $dashboard_user->ID, $is_own_dashboard ), __( 'View Listings', APP_TD ) ) ); ?>
<?php do_action('va_dashboard_sidebar_links', $dashboard_user, $is_own_dashboard ); ?>
<?php if ( $is_own_dashboard ) { ?>
<li class="edit-profile"><?php echo html_link( appthemes_get_edit_profile_url(), __( 'Edit Profile', APP_TD ) ); ?></li>
<li class="add-listings"><?php echo html_link( va_get_listing_create_url(), __( 'New Listing', APP_TD ) ); ?></li>
<?php if ( $dashboard_user->has_claimed ) { ?>
<li class="claimed-listings"><?php echo html_link( va_dashboard_url( 'claimed-listings' ), __( 'Claimed Listings', APP_TD ) ); ?></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
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