Recommended Plugin: Press This Reloaded
So on my wanderings around the internet, I often find a website that I'd like to load into my Vantage website, either as a listing or as an event. WordPress has this 'Press This' tool that allows you to write a quick blog post from the contents of a web page, in a little pop up window. It does this via a little Bookmarlet that you drag and drop from Admin > Tools > Press This onto your browser toolbar. Then when you want to start a blog post based on a page you're viewing, you just click the Press This bookmarklet and a window pops up and you're away with your blog post.
All well and good, but the default Press This is a slimmed down affair and you don't get all the fields you'd get if you were adding a new post via the admin panel - and you also don't get custom post the default creates posts and not listings and events.
The solution is the Press This Reloaded plugin. It gives you all the fields that are in the admin area, and with a little code snippet to functions.php, you can create separate bookmarklets for listings and events (as well as blog posts). It's a little bit of a fiddle as you have to put the snippet in functions.php for listings, go drag and drop your new Press This (listings) bookmarklet onto your browser toolbar, then change functions.php for events, and drag and drop the next (events) bookmarklet onto the toolbar...but once it's set up, you've got a quick and easy way to add new listings and events as you find them.
The functions.php code snippet for adding support for custom post types is on this page:
And of course, always use a child theme for changes to functions.php....
And of course, I'm not advocating plagiarising other people's website content with this - merely showing a way to source public domain information and post it to your Vantage site quickly and easily...
Hope that's useful to someone!