RSS for searchs
I was wanting to know the correct code for adding a rss link at the bottom of each search so users can subscribe to their specific search requirements.
The PHP file to amend it seems is 'archive-listing.php' and the placement of the code I found helpful was just before the <div class="advert"> code.
However, the code I am trying (after a decent amount of research on the web) is returning all the content headings of the site (i.e. pages, listings, etc....).
Below is the link I am trying:
PHP Code:
<a href="<?php echo get_search_feed_link( $search_query, $feed ) ?>">Search Feed</a>
Does anyone know how to make this work?
Edit: P.S. My apologies to the moderators, I just realised I have added this thread to the wrong category. 'Vantage General Discussion' is probably where it needs to be.