Why can't Vantage be more like Jobroller?
Well today I set up a Jobroller site...it's not quite finished and ready to go, but it's not far off! In 1 afternoon! Compared with Vantage, it's a breeze! And my biggest issue is this...why can't Vantage be more like Jobroller, given that Apptheme's have the expertise in house? The great bits about Jobroller are:
1. ability to switch off the admin bar at the top via an admin settings switch
2. clearly defined 'process flow' for the 'submit a job' process....starting from 'you have to be logged in...' stage, and with a progress bar across the top of the submissions steps...it's clear and easy to understand whereas Vantage just leaves the user stranded and wondering what's going on. No need to reinvent the wheel - just copy the code from Jobroller lock stock and barrel... Vantage users who are frustrated by the create a listing process flow....just go and play on the Jobroller demo on Apptheme's site...you will see what it is that Vantage needs!!!
3. Better sidebars
4. Built-in recaptcha
5. new listing alerts by email
And somehow, just a cleaner, more efficient experience all round....
Fingers crossed, Vantage catches up with Jobroller's baseline options sooner rather than later!