Looking for a developer to create plugins
We're looking for a developer to create plugins for our ad listing website done with Classipress. It may also be useful to the community.
We need those features as plugins :
- Ability to make customers pay for additional pictures : it should be editable in the Wordpress admin (pricing, number of pictures, promotions, enable/disable option)
- Ability to make customers pay for urgent ads, inserting an "URGENT" logo : it should be editable in the admin (pricing, lifetime for the logo, promotions, enable / disable option)
- Ability to make customers pay for "Best Deal" ads, with a distinctive logo : it should be editable in the admin (pricing, lifetime for the logo, promotions, enable / disable option)
- Premium ads, customers who pay for this will see their ad placed above all other ads withing the same category or region : it should be editable in the admin (pricing, promotion, enable / disable option)
- Ability to make customers pay to put their website link : it should be editable in the admin (pricing, promotions, enable / disable option)
- "Publish to Facebook" & "Publish to Twitter" buttons allowing the customer to post his ad on his Facebook wall and Twitter account (it should be published once the ad has been moderated) : it should be editable in the admin (enable / disable option)
- More detailed statistiscs within the customer dashboard : geographical origin of visits: default display = region, when you click on region it display its departments, then when you click on a department it display its cities.
In front of each data (region, department, city), display the number of visits between brackets. It should be editable in the admin (enable / disable option)
All these plugins should be accessible via the
WP admin in order to make respective modifications for each plugin (like pricing, enable/disable plugin, see above).
In addition, we offer rental ads, and we would like to set up a booking system for those including pricing change according to the selected periods.
Like seen on this website:
It should be administered by the advertiser on his dashboard, checking himself unavailable dates.
Don't hesitate to make us proposals by private message,
Thanks in advance,
Hope to hear from you soon.