"Premium News" with "ClassiPress"?
Sorry, I can't really imagine how to make them work together
Concerning your specific needs on
wp-events-organizer... have you try to contact the plugin developer?
... or maybe better to go to WooThemes forum or help desk and ask them how to replace the posts by the events via this plugin.
Anyway, I really can't understand completely your needs so you maybe want to explain this further.
Best of luck!

Originally Posted by
Hi, I installed the plugin called
wp-events-organizer. I am trying to make the events to be shown in the hompage instead of the posts but I just cant figure it out. If anybody has done it before and has the codes that I could use to do this please let me know. I am also using the premium news theme from woothemes i dont know if that makes it any different.
Sorry I am posting this here as I know that this is not the wordpress forum but I know that here you help. I use classipress for my classified site.