[PLUGIN RECOMMENDED] Translator Revolution
The plugin:
Translator Revolution
WP Plugin is a user-friendly, highly customizable WordPress translation plugin. It works making it simple to get started, but powerful enough to create highly customized translator setups.
Easy to use
Integrates directly with the WordPress Admin System.
Tabbed admin panels with organized easy-to-find settings and integrated help.
Import and export functions.
Translation ready (.po & .mo files available).
Highly customizable
Translate everything, or precisely select and/or exclude sections from the web pages.
Exclude entire pages, posts and categories.
Remember visitor’s selected language.
Show languages flags and names, or just names, or just flags.
A total of 50 settings to customize.
Advanced features
Specify the number of concurrent calls. Useful for large web pages to find a balance between the translation time and the browser’s resources to consume.
Define Javascript custom functions callbacks.
Define a custom translator by specifying the HTML code and attaching the functionality.
Template system to highly customize the default HTML structure.
System requirements
WordPress 3 or greater version.
PHP 5 or greater version.
Javascript enabled. If the visitor hasn’t Javascript enabled, then the translator won’t be shown.
Cookies enabled to remember the visitor’s last selected language. If the visitor hasn’t cookies enabled, then the translator won’t be able to remember the last selected language and the web page won’t be automatically translated.
High Quality And Efficient Code
Fully Object Oriented Programmed (OOP), both PHP and Javascript. Making the code easy to read and to maintain.
Strong CSS to isolate the translator’s style from the theme’s style.
Nowadays, Javascript developers are a bit lazy and tend to abuse of jQuery: instead of defining a multi accessible variable, the jQuery (or dollar) function is called over and over again consuming unnecessary amount of visitor’s machine resources; and use jQuery proprietary functions that aren’t a part of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards nor any of its recommendations.
The Translator Revolution WordPress Plugin uses as little as possible amount of jQuery calls and functions, to relief the visitor’s browser memory and to follow the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards and recommendations.
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