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Thread: AStickyPostOrderER

  1. #1
    Thread Starter
    Member egghead's Avatar
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    This is driving me NUTS!!!
    Is anyone else using this plugin?
    How do I set it up to reverse the way featured Ads go up by default. I want to have the featured sticky at the top of it's category, not the home page.
    Kinda' redundant to have a featured Ad on the homepage, what do you do when you have more than 10 featured Ads (the number of Ads that display on each page by default)? Tell the next guy, sorry, but your featured Ad will be on the second page?
    ... standing on the shoulders of giants

  2. #2
    Senior Member jakesterz's Avatar
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    Re: AStickyPostOrderER

    I'm using this to keep my welcome posts at the top of the categories but not the homepage. But I don't do featured ads so I'm not sure I can help. You CAN increase the number of ads that show on the front page in Settings => Reading.

  3. #3
    Thread Starter
    Member egghead's Avatar
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    Re: AStickyPostOrderER

    Hey, Thanks.

    I've got the featured Ads sitting on top of their respective categories now, but still haven't figured out how to move them or allow them to move themselves, on the landing page.

    Thanks for the suggestion about increasing the number of Ads that appear, but I think doing that is just going to delay dealing with this problem.

    Here's a bit more of a run down of the issue. I'm selling display/banner Ads on the site as well. Now, let's say I charge $3 for a featured Ad for a 60 day period (the length of time needs to be the same as regular Ads unfortunately, this is something I've already mentioned in another post - we should be able to set up the featured Ads for a different length of time). Now if I charge, say $50 for a sidebar Ad per month how do the two options compare?

    A featured Ad that will always be on the landing page for $1.50 per month ($3/60 days) or a display Ad that's buried in the individual classified Ads listings for $50.

    You can see, there's something wrong with this pricing model. If the advertiser was smart with their Advertising campaign budget, they'd just create a whole bunch of similar, but different Featured classified Ads, and then, at the same rates - they would dominate the landing page for 60 days and it would only cost them $30. So why bother buying a display Ad.

    Problem #2, what happens if/when all the advertisers catch on to this. Not only does the site get flooded with featured Ads, to start. But at some point, the advertisers are going to start to say, "What's the point paying for a featured listing if there are already a gazillion others in front."

    By the way,, not yet officially launched (we're not finished with the Mods) went online two weeks ago, and so far has nearly 100 registered Sellers and well over 100 classifieds. Still a lot to do.
    ... standing on the shoulders of giants

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