Show total published Jobs/Ads on the user list (a plugin for the appthemes community)
I had the need to have a new column with the total jobs from each user right beside the post count, on my jobroller website -
Elo Criativo. Because a ‘Job’ belongs to a custom post type and not a post, Worpress would’t show it. I had to make this myself so I’ve decided to turn it into a plugin and distribute it freely.
It’s a very simple plugin that adds a new column showing custom type posts counts on the users list. Users have the option to choose the post type to use. It works just like the posts column. You can sort and filter the new custom type column.
It should work with any post type (works with JobRoller and Classipress).
I hope it can be useful to other users.
You can
download it on my website.
Direct link to 'User Custom Posts Count' plugin.

Users Custom Post Count - User List

Users Custom Post Count - Options[/CENTER]