Adding Browse by Location
I am seeking to have a modification done for my (JR) site.
I will be removing the long horizontal search bar and am seeking to have a developer either modify the Enable Job Salary tab so instead of displaying as Job Salary (under the Browse by...section) it could be renamed to Job Location. I would like to add 8 city names that would (when clicked on) display all job postings for any one of the city names.
The functionality should work just the same as the Job Category drop-down menu currently does in the Browse by section located in the right sidebar.
For Example: When you click on the Job Category tab and then select Agriculture you are presented with a list of jobs that are associated with the Agriculture category. In the same way, I seek to have a Job Location tab that would allow for me to add 8 city names. When a city name is clicked on from the newly created Job Location tab, a list of jobs that are associated with that city name would be displayed.
If you can implement this functionality, please PM me with a time frame for completion and a price quote.
Thank you in advance.