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Thread: Any thoughts on vantage and paysimple

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    Any thoughts on vantage and paysimple

    I'm looking at using to consolidate everything on my directory sites. Any chance someone wants to create a plugin to make this integrate with vantage?

    Reasons I'm looking at paysimple above the other providers.

    All in invoices, recurring invoices and payments. I don't expect that the recurring payments/invoices would affect the listings directly. I assume I'll do that manually, but if it could take the recurring bill collecting partially off my plate, that would be great.

    Ability to take e-check as payment (substantially cheaper than credit cards)

    Ability to take credit/debit.

    Ability to add users with limited access - for example, I can add a salesperson who can send invoices, but who can't get at my personal bank info.

    Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

    Oh, and the reason I'm looking for something is that none of the directories that I've got going seem to expire/renew in any meaningful way (actually expire..vantage doesn't current, send out functional renewal emails, give me some way to track who is needing to renew,'s all very complicated). So, I'm trying to find an outside solution so that I can take care of that in one easy system.

    Let me know if it seems possible and what you'd charge to do it, keeping in mind that you could sell it in the marketplace and make literally zillions and zillions of dollars. ; )


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