Help needed for a new WP classifieds project
Hello! I am not at all a web expert and I am putting up a website for my business for the first time. I just learned about Wordpress a few months ago and I am very impressed by it that I have decided that it is best for me to buy a theme. While I have decided to get Classipress and install/modify it with the help of a
WP expert (looking for one still), may I receive kind assistance regarding the following concerns:
- While I find that the classipress designs are nice, can the design/look be changed completely to suit our target market? We are looking to maintain the functionality of the said theme into a design very similar to or
(hope I am not causing any trouble by referencing these designs)
- Can an experienced developer/programmer incorporate functions not available to this theme such as:
* Adding a separate buyer/seller registration (Separate user dashboard as well).
* Add a separate "post an ad" for buyer/seller (If I am not mistaken, the classipress theme has a "post an ad" feature for sellers but not for buyers- where
buyers can post items they are looking for that are not available from the site. There will be a form/template where they can type in their buying list and the option to include an attachment.
- Can a form/template generator (invoice, quotation forms, etc.) be incorporated in admin and member panel?
Thank you in advance for any help. I really wish to buy the theme upon hearing from experts so we may start the website project the soonest.