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Thread: JobRoller custom attachments

  1. #1
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    tulsabobt's Avatar
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    JobRoller custom attachments

    I am looking for a coder familiar with jobroller who could create additional upload fields for the submit-resume portion of the site.

    I want job seekers to be able to upload a copy of their resume in Doc, PDF or TXT format, than can then be downloaded by the potential employers.

    As this is a radio site, I also want them to be able to upload an mp3 file of their work, which would then display on their resume page at the top under their name, and using wpaudio plugin, would create an inline player like [audio:]

    If you are interested in this work, or if you know if code tutorials that might help me do this, please let me know. Thank you!


  2. #2
    tinygiantstudios's Avatar
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    Get in touch with Sebet (he's on the forum). He's the resident go-to guy for customisations and even helped out the original developer on a few occasions. He's also the developer of the excellent JR premium plugin (called FXtender) that implements A LOT of the features that one actually really needs on JR (like multiple gateways and auto-fill of form field when users are logged in).

    He's your best, and probably cheapest / professional bet at getting someone to do customisations

    Hope it helps.

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