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Thread: limit to the number of free ads that a user can publish

  1. #1
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    karlo's Avatar
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    limit to the number of free ads that a user can publish

    I have a question... is possbile to get some code modifications that put a limit to the number of free ads that a single registered user can publish?

    In other words... A user register on the website for free and when login... he can publish only 1 free ads per day (for example)... This is good (for me and I think not only for me) to regulate these users republish 10 times in 1 day the same ad!

    There is the possibility to do this on CP?

    I hope everyone understand what I write... Please sorry for my poor written english!

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    Re: limit to the number of free ads that a user can publish

    It can definitely be implemented but not yet a current feature of Classipress. Implementation of a certain feature really depends upon the principle of utility and the number of users asking for it. Classipress is customizable enough as the codes are not encrypted and so you can do anything that you want to do with. If you are not a programmer, there are people in the Theme services section of this forum that offers their services if you need some custom modification.
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. #3
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    Re: limit to the number of free ads that a user can publish

    I post on theme forum on Sun May 16, 2010 4:30 am

    no one reply till now!

    I think someone think I ask some work for free... but I will want to pay the right price for this mod!

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: limit to the number of free ads that a user can publish

    Hi Karlo, if this is a mod you are willing to pay for, then the correct forum to post in is "ClassiPress theme services" as this is where you can find coders for hire. If you are in a hurry to get this done, I would suggest you perhaps look at contacting one of the coders for hire by PM with your request.

    In the meantime I will move your thread to the relevant section

  5. #5
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    Re: limit to the number of free ads that a user can publish

    Dear pepsi
    I urgently need modifications and sure I will pay for it... unfortunately... no one coders reply to my posts... so I try to activate and integrate some WP plugins to add some features... but is only a temporary solutions.

    If you know some coders that can help me (sure for some $$$), will be great!


    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi
    Hi Karlo, if this is a mod you are willing to pay for, then the correct forum to post in is "ClassiPress theme services" as this is where you can find coders for hire. If you are in a hurry to get this done, I would suggest you perhaps look at contacting one of the coders for hire by PM with your request.

    In the meantime I will move your thread to the relevant section

  6. #6
    Member nathanmuniz's Avatar
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    Hello guys!

    Take a look on this modification!!! NOW WE CAN LIMIT THE NUMBER OF ADS THAT A USER CAN POST!!!

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