Originally Posted by
thanks but I am using 3.05 currently and that looks like it is for older versions. Since David said recently that there won't be a craigslist style locations filter, I am trying to figure a way to make it work without setting up sub domains. There has to be a way to filter the homepage. David also said you will be able to search custom fields in 3.1 but that still doesn't help me

No worries, i have just modded the
wp-custom-fields-search plugin to work with CP v3.05.3 i've only tested it to filter search via:
If you choose to use all 3 options its a 100% lockdown that keyword,city and state filter to an exact match on those 3 options, choose to enter only 2 of the parameters and it will widen the search filter, enter only one and it will return all that apply to that one selection.
Theres no reason why other custom fields than the ones i have chosen (City and State) cant be used there all there in the plugins admin panel, just i aint tested em cos i dont need them.
Just onto styling it now so that it matches with the default CP install theme and then i will release it.