Need HELP setting up CUSTOM FUNCTIONS for Classipress
I need help setting up a users page which functions slighty different to the standard Classipress Ad categories.
I am willing to pay for the services if no one is willing to help out. Please PM me if you're interested.
The basic idea is to setup a page which behaves in the following way:
A company pays for a membership pack for example Company1. I create the companies desired categories.
Then using the Role Scoper plugin for Wordpress I only allow Company1 to post into their own ad categories for example:
I created a stores page.
Then I used the members list plugin to display only certain users/members eg. Company1 and Company2 on the Stores page.
If you click on Company1 profile link it goes to their profile page and lists their information and latest ads (standard Classipress feature).
I need to show a list of all Company1's ads in the same way as any other ad is shown with the thumbnail and ad details, not just a text list.
I also need to show Company1's specific categories that they have posted in or the categories that are assigned to them in a categories sidebar widget.
Anyone up for the challenge?