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Thread: Sethmatics Developers For Hire

  1. #1
    Community Partner scarstens's Avatar
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    Sethmatics Developers For Hire

    You may have seen me already in the mods/tutorials sections of the site. Many of my mods are very complex, and those of you who want the mods but don't have the skill needed to install them may request my services. My fee's are typically project based but are calculated on a $45-75 per hour sliding scale where the more hours the project requires the cheaper to hourly rate (40+ hours is the min hours to hit the $45 rate).

    I will bid out your requests in this thread or by PM (personal message) if you prefer to keep things more private.

    You can also post requests here and I will tell you how "viable" they are for ClassiPress software. Please know that at this time any modifications will limit your ability to upgrade (simply because we must change the core files for mods at this time). Just to get my thread started here are some ideas of mods you might inquire about:

    • - Take away dropdown listing of costs per category on submit ad page (surprise them with cost later).
      - Modify owner section in item details sidebar – needs to show phone number, and business name if it exists. (add profile meta that pulls to owner info page automatically).
      - Add a “submit new ad” link on the list of “my classified ads” section of the dashboard
      - Charge money for images 2-8, maybe only display if checkbox is clicked indicating “upgrade to multiple photos (up to 8)”, 1 photo = free ad – charge for additional photos
      - Add postfix’s to custom fields (shown on item details page, need to modify core file to pull postfix table column)
      - Create options page for "Author Profile Custom Fields" where you can create your own, and unlimited amount of, author profile fields like business name, phone number, additional photos, additional URL's, etc, even enough to setup a "meet singles" type of classifieds site.
      - Add the City, State to show up on category listing results and search results since its likely an important part of how people search for ads.
      - *** PREMIUM MOD: Page Filters that allow you to filter the results of the page by common fields. For example, you might select "California" from the State filter and it will only show results on ANY category results or search results if the ad is listed in California. A secondary part to this mod might be "custom field filters" that show up in categories that have custom fields where you might filter content. For example, if you are in the category "Cars" you might want to filter and only show "Car Brands" that are "Honda".
      - *** PREMIUM MOD: Enable Gift Certificates ability for people to purchase that they give away or use themselves. You can enter in Gift Cert Code place of paypal payment allowing people to purchase "advertising money" for there friends. Great tool to maximize revenue.
      - *** PREMIUM MOD: OSTA (On Screen Text Ads) which allows you to sell text ads, similar to how google text ads show up but you sell them like classifieds. Creates a category for OSTA where you can charge lets say $60 per month and places these ads in your sidebar or spans them across your header by the navbar. Integrated sales into Classipress system and ease of use since its just like making a classifed ad.
      - *** PREMIUM MOD: Add the ability to create "checkboxes" custom fields where the users can select each item individually. This would would better then "Tags" allowing you to organize the tags on your site or create any other custom fields where the user might select more then 1 item from a dropdown list, which is not possible now.

    I'm sure that list will get you thinking about what unique things you would like to do with your ClassiPress website.
    ~ Seth Carstens, Sethmatics Inc.

  2. #2
    Veteran tbase's Avatar
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    Re: Sethmatics Developers For Hire

    Hello, I would like to know if you are willing to teach as well as charge for your services. What I mean is, If you charge me say $45 to accomplish what I am seeking to have done so I can launch my site, will you teach me by showing me what you have modified and where (which templates) you modified?

    If the answer is yes, I would like to proceed further with explaining exactly what I am seeking to have done.

    Thank you


    Quote Originally Posted by scarstens
    You may have seen me already in the mods/tutorials sections of the site. Many of my mods are very complex, and those of you who want the mods but don't have the skill needed to install them may request my services. My fee's are typically project based but are calculated on a $45-75 per hour sliding scale where the more hours the project requires the cheaper to hourly rate (40+ hours is the min hours to hit the $45 rate).

    I will bid out your requests in this thread or by PM (personal message) if you prefer to keep things more private.

    You can also post requests here and I will tell you how "viable" they are for ClassiPress software. Please know that at this time any modifications will limit your ability to upgrade (simply because we must change the core files for mods at this time). Just to get my thread started here are some ideas of mods you might inquire about:

    • - Take away dropdown listing of costs per category on submit ad page (surprise them with cost later).
      - Modify owner section in item details sidebar – needs to show phone number, and business name if it exists. (add profile meta that pulls to owner info page automatically).
      - Add a “submit new ad” link on the list of “my classified ads” section of the dashboard
      - Charge money for images 2-8, maybe only display if checkbox is clicked indicating “upgrade to multiple photos (up to 8)”, 1 photo = free ad – charge for additional photos
      - Add postfix’s to custom fields (shown on item details page, need to modify core file to pull postfix table column)
      - Create options page for "Author Profile Custom Fields" where you can create your own, and unlimited amount of, author profile fields like business name, phone number, additional photos, additional URL's, etc, even enough to setup a "meet singles" type of classifieds site.
      - Add the City, State to show up on category listing results and search results since its likely an important part of how people search for ads.
      - *** PREMIUM MOD: Page Filters that allow you to filter the results of the page by common fields. For example, you might select "California" from the State filter and it will only show results on ANY category results or search results if the ad is listed in California. A secondary part to this mod might be "custom field filters" that show up in categories that have custom fields where you might filter content. For example, if you are in the category "Cars" you might want to filter and only show "Car Brands" that are "Honda".
      - *** PREMIUM MOD: Enable Gift Certificates ability for people to purchase that they give away or use themselves. You can enter in Gift Cert Code place of paypal payment allowing people to purchase "advertising money" for there friends. Great tool to maximize revenue.
      - *** PREMIUM MOD: OSTA (On Screen Text Ads) which allows you to sell text ads, similar to how google text ads show up but you sell them like classifieds. Creates a category for OSTA where you can charge lets say $60 per month and places these ads in your sidebar or spans them across your header by the navbar. Integrated sales into Classipress system and ease of use since its just like making a classifed ad.
      - *** PREMIUM MOD: Add the ability to create "checkboxes" custom fields where the users can select each item individually. This would would better then "Tags" allowing you to organize the tags on your site or create any other custom fields where the user might select more then 1 item from a dropdown list, which is not possible now.

    I'm sure that list will get you thinking about what unique things you would like to do with your ClassiPress website.


  3. #3
    Community Partner scarstens's Avatar
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    Arrow Re: Sethmatics Developers For Hire


    I sure can assist you. Required for that process will be a skype account and the free version of teamviewer software for your computer. Make sure its installed before we chat.

    Just so I'm clear, small 1-2 hour projects are $65 an hour and I'll need payment for the first hour before we chat. If we run over by a few minutes its fine, otherwise I'll just offer you the ability to purchase more time.

    Does that make sense?
    ~ Seth Carstens, Sethmatics Inc.

  4. #4's Avatar
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    Unhappy Re: Sethmatics Developers For Hire

    I would like to hire you to finish my site so I can launch it by July 1st 2010...

    Things I want to accomplish;

    • (1)I would like you to create a way for my "Formidable Pro" plugin to connect to my WP database

    I have created the custom forms I need, and have successfully modified my "sidebar-contact.php" to display the form if a person is a registered member. I have also created custom forms for the registration and posting process, however I don't know where to place them in the code and I don't know how to make my DB receive the data...

    Currently Formidable Pro emails me the results of the form when submitted by user. Is there a way to send it to the DB so that WP automatically upgrades a user who registers, or places some of the data from the posting form into the post?

    For example; I want posting to be free, however when a user tries to contact the poster I want them to be required to be a member and sell membership for $9.99/month... Also I want some fields from posting form (i.e. MC#, location zip code and $/mile) to display in post.

    • (2)Also I would like you to setup the "Map" tab so it displays a google map of the zip code location from posting form field..

    Approximately how much would I be looking at to have this done???

    My contact Info:
    Jeff Davis
    Operations Manager
    (509) 371-9093

  5. #5
    Community Partner scarstens's Avatar
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    Re: Sethmatics Developers For Hire

    Honestly to bid a project like that at a static project cost is impossible. You have custom code I have never seen implemented in a way that has never been done in classipress. Then you are tossing in a plugin that's not officially supported by the classipress team. It would have to be paid in hourly contracts. See above for dollar amounts based on number of hours purchased.
    ~ Seth Carstens, Sethmatics Inc.

  6. #6
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    mannyman's Avatar
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    Re: Sethmatics Developers For Hire

    - Add the City, State to show up on category listing results and search results since its likely an important part of how people search for ads.

    How much would you charge?


  7. #7
    Community Partner scarstens's Avatar
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    Re: Sethmatics Developers For Hire

    Just displaying the information would only take an hour, $75. Searching or filtering results would cost significantly more.
    ~ Seth Carstens, Sethmatics Inc.

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